Friday, August 28, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

too busy to craft :(

we found out a few weeks ago that our apartment complex is being foreclosed on! so we've been searching for a new place to live. thankfully, my aunt and uncle had their rental house become vacant. so yay, we have a place to live now!! we're currently in the process of fixing it up some. painting, new carpet, small repairs etc. so that has been taking up our life this past week. plus i recently started watching a 14 month old boy. at first it was temporary until she found a daycare she liked. but then it started becoming nice for nathan to have a play buddy around everyday! of course we have our meltdown moments, but all in all, it's working. i'm working on getting them on the same naptime schedule. as i type, they're both asleep :) so i told her i'd like to just keep watching him. which eases the stresses of finding a daycare! and when we do finally move everything into the new house (2 more weeks i hope), we'll have much more play space, a backyard (YAY!), nearby park/pool/tennis courts, oh and of course, a sewing room ;)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

i walked into the bathroom last night and found this note waiting for me on the bathtub. apparently this is what jaren does while he's in there, LOL.
can you tell where i'm going with this picture?

yep! it didn't take long for him to pull the rack down onto his head! he's fine. it just startled him.
nathan loves being in his little swimming pool. all goes well until the sprinklers come on! oopsie!
and in case you've never seen this...

and today i FINALLY caught him on tape crawling forward!.