Any guesses as to what I made these out of? And It's not crete paper. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get to a craft store for some watercolor paints to make them look more realistic.
I'm also going to be making an awesome diaper cake for my sister in law. Can't wait to post those pics! Finally getting back into the swing of things with my crafts :)
Happy Hump Day!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Creative Wednesday :)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I'm Back!
I know i've been pretty quiet the past 3 weeks, life still doesn't have a "schedule", so i've been a crazy lady! Here's a quick rundown...
Today is Easter. We went to church then came home to our delicious pot roast. It was funny because the ward we're now in, Jaren was in about 14 years ago. And he saw 4 people he remembered from back then. I did get "spotted" and asked if I had a calling yet. Uh oh! It was our first Sunday and I'm already being tagged! We spent the day as just us, it was pleasant.
We have a VERY annoying white dog that likes to roam our neighborhood and is always barking at anything that moves. He's constantly bugging Bugsy when we go outside. His owners live across from us, but apparantly don't care about him, which is sad. I've thought about calling the dog catcher but i'm afraid they'll retaliate somehow.
The four-plex across the way is also kinda trashy. Trashy in the fact that they're dumpster is always full with mattresses and huge appliances and overflowing trash that they then put there stuff in our dumpster! It's REALLY annoying! And what happens to the overflowing trash? The annoying white dog gets into it!
In our group of four-plexes, the front one is vacant. The other 2 are occupied with young couples like us. One is pregnant, the other have a golden retriever puppy that we just adore!
I HATE HATE HATE my new job! :( I don't feel i'm getting trained properly and when I said something, nothing has been done about it. I'm in the process of looking for something else. Send prayers!
Our friends from Utah did make it over to see us. We had a great weekend of playing a lot of Guitar Hero and Laura and I sewing. We made some adorable little baby booties of black and hot pink polka dots. She also made a dog out of a pair of gloves. I'm hoping to be making a bunny one soon, so be on the lookout for that picture!
We've been going to my sisters house a lot lately. Yesterday we took my 2 nephews to go see, Horton Hears a Who. VERY CUTE movie! We enjoyed it much! And everytime we're over there, Fred (bro in law) always convinces Jaren to ride his really fast, really expensive, really dangerous quad. Which then makes Jaren beg for one! In his dreams ;)
I decided to make St. Patrick's goodie plates for Jaren's co-workers. There's only 5 of them, so why not. I forgot to take my own picture, but here is my copied idea of the cupcakes I made. But instead of coins, I used Rolo's. The rainbow is made of airheads smooshed together. I also did green frosted sugar cookies and made Lucky Charms marshmellow treats. They were a huge sucess!

Saturday, March 1, 2008
I picked up the U-Haul Friday night and by the time I got home, Mike and Jaren were there and ready to load it up! I can't believe they pretty much had most of it packed in less than 2 hrs.
Woke up this morning, finished some leftover packing and they took off. I left 2 hrs after they did. There's nothing better than riding alone and being able to listen to whatever you want! AND sing as loud as U WANT! By the time I showed up, our "helpers" were already done and gone and the cable and internet was ready also! :) So Jaren and I took back the U-Haul and went and had dinner at this DELICIOUS bbq place. Now we're home just settling in.
Our goal is to have everything unpacked and situated by next week when our visitors come. Pictures posted later this week :)
For me not ever seeing this place and leaving it all up to Jaren, he did a great job! My ONLY complaint... I hear the cars racing at the Oakie Bowl and they're pretty darn loud!